10 Types of Goals You Can Set for the Next 3 Months

Plus, a Free Workbook — No Email List Sign Up Required

Kirsten Crawford
4 min readSep 24, 2022
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Are you tired of setting goals for yourself that you just keep failing?

I know the feeling.

For years, I put way too much pressure on myself.

And honestly, I wasn’t even aware I was putting pressure on myself.

I thought the goals I was setting for myself were “reasonable”.

Some really were, but many weren’t.

But it turns out the smaller the goal, the more likely you can build a habit and a system that will inevitably make you accomplish a lot more.

In this post, I help you create smaller and more productive goals for the next 3 months.

What is a BIG goal you have?

Think of a big goal you currently have, or even just something big you want to accomplish.

For example, maybe you want to learn a second language, have a certain career, own a business, get a degree, and so on.

Knowing your big goal, what can you reasonably accomplish in the next three months?

Keep in mind your current obligations.

“Publish 3 blog posts a week” might seem like a small goal for one person, but not as small for another.

Keep your current obligations and time restraints in mind and do something that you deem reasonable knowing your own schedule.

For example, you might make your goal smaller and say, “publish 1 blog post a week”, but despite this, you might actually post more blog posts in a week sometimes, and that’s fine.

Experiment with the wording of your small goals

“Publish 3 blog posts a week”

“Publish 12 blog posts a month”

“Write 400 words every morning”

All of these goals can be beneficial, but everyone is different.

Publishing 3 blog posts a week might feel too constricting, like it’s adding too much pressure for someone who sometimes has one crazy week.

Publish 12 blog posts a month can mean even if there was a crazy busy week, another week can be more focused on publishing more content.

Writing 400 words every morning is a great way to build the habit of writing if you find yourself making excuses, but this goal is especially beneficial to someone who is writing a book and not publishing blog posts, though the goal can be used for both.

Experiment with the wording and the “rules” of your goal. The most important thing here is to aim to not feel pressure. In other words, if you can write a small goal without your inner critic trying to tell you that you can’t do it, the goal is more likely to be accomplished. Of course, some people’s inner critic is a lot louder than others, so this might not work for every single person out there.

Habit stacking

Think of the current habits you already have.

Can you work on your goal before, during, or after your current habit (without breaking your current habit) in order to increase the likelihood of you building a new habit that accomplishes your goal?

Use the 3-Month Goals Workbook [free]

Learn how to set smaller, more productive goals in 3-month increments, and grab the free workbook (no email list signup required) to start working on your goals now.

Types of small goals:

Learning a language:

  1. Learn 50 of the most common words in [target language] for 3 months.
  2. Learn 1 word in [target language] every morning after [current habit] for 3 months.
  3. Learn 15 of the most common words in [target language] every month for the next 3 months.

Losing Weight and Getting Fit:

4. Spend 15 minutes working out every morning for 5 days a week after [current habit] for the next 3 months.

5. Go to the gym every morning from [set time] after [current habit] for the next 3 months, increasing [set time] per month as needed.

6. Make a healthy dinner recipe from [recipe book, website] once a week every week for the next 3 months.

Drink more water:

7. Drink one glass of water every morning after [current habit] for the next month, then adjust as needed.

Career / Job Growth:

8. Volunteer 1 hour every week for the next three months [at a place related to career / job experience needed].

9. Work on [project] for 3 hours a week for the next 3 months.

10. Study [career/job related course] for 5 hours a week every week for the next 3 months [or until course is completed].

How can you make smaller, more productive goals?

>>>Grab the free workbook here<<<

More Posts:

What goal are you setting for yourself for the next 3 months? Comment below!

